As a leading company in our sector, you can be sure that we will not introduce any products to market which do not meet with relevant guidelines and laws.
Currently European and UK product compliance requirements such as RoHS and REACH are the most stringent and advanced. In many countries worldwide, RoHS and REACH requirements have been adopted or are in implementation. These regulations are made to protect people and the environment.
For practical reasons the complete analytical product compliance testing of all materials, components and parts from all suppliers for each individual production run is not possible. The product compliance information we provide is based on initial laboratory test reports for the products, materials and components, as well as on our confidence in our suppliers and their declarations of conformity and that they will not change materials.
In addition, Lindy goes beyond these industrial standards and regularly carries out our own random laboratory REACH and RoHS tests to assess the reliability of suppliers and to ensure compliance for Lindy products.
Since July 2006, non-RoHS-compliant WEEE products are no longer allowed to be placed into the European market. In January 2013, the RoHS2 Directive 2011/65 came into force. The RoHS2 amendment Directive 2015/863 added 4 Phthalates to the original 6 RoHS substances. It has become effective for all WEEE products placed on the market from July 22, 2019 and all our products placed on the market after this date follow these requirements. However, products already placed on the market before these dates can continue to be sold.
Since January 2013, RoHS products are labelled with the CE logo. Our CE Declaration of Conformity for every individual product also declares RoHS-compliance. Please note that we do not provide any additional general RoHS declaration. If there is a legitimate interest, we will provide you with the CE Declaration of Conformity for each individual article on request.
Lindy supports the aims of RoHS, REACH and POP and declares its full support for protecting the environment and the population. Lindy is continuously striving to stay a pioneer in our market sector and to keep any hazardous substances out of our products.
The EU REACH Regulation addresses chemical substances, and their potential impact on human health and the environment.
REACH Annex XVII defines approximately 70 substance class restrictions for certain use cases and product classes. We assure you that our products are, to the best of our knowledge and verification, REACH Annex XVII compliant.
REACH Article 33 defines that Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) should not be included in products and components with a threshold above 0.1% (1000 ppm). We assure you that our products are, to the best of our knowledge and verification, REACH Article 33 SVHC compliant. If any SVHC is found to be contained above the 0.1% limit the supply chain will be informed.
The list of SVHC is updated every 6 months by the EU and can be found on the European Chemicals Agency website: When we obtain specific product-related information that this threshold is exceed, for example by our verification testing, we inform the supply chain in our invoices, delivery notes and order confirmations for the products concerned. Furthermore we ensure that the exceeded limits will be complied with in the future. Please also refer to our specific REACH Article 33 statement for Lead (Pb) in products relating to electronic and electric equipment (EEE) on the following page:
The EU POP Regulation addresses the production and use of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). These are chemical substances that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web, and pose a risk to health and the environment. The Regulation defines prohibitions of use as well as concentration limits for substances in articles for certain product classes. We assure you that our products are, to the best of our knowledge and verification, POP compliant.
Since mid-2014, the US Dodd Frank Act has obliged US listed companies to disclose and report on the use of conflict minerals and metals extracted from them. LINDY itself is not subject to these obligations. Also not according to EU Regulation 2017/821 on conflict minerals, which only affects importers and direct processors of conflict minerals and metals. Nevertheless, we would like to provide you with the necessary answers and information on this topic, as far as possible.
A high number of our products requires a large number of suppliers and production facilities. The majority of over 3000 cables and electronic products are manufactured to our specifications in Taiwan and China. The procurement of raw materials is often outside our direct sphere of influence, and there are often several stages in the supply chain up to the smelters or metal producers, especially for electronic products. We have compiled the results of our supplier survey in our CMRT.
Please download our latest CMRT from:
Please also note the following background information:
The 3TG metals extracted from the conflict minerals are tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold. In our products, tantalum is widely used in electronics for capacitors, tin for solder on circuit boards and for soldering connectors to cables, tungsten to a lesser extent in chipsets, and gold as a coating on connector contacts and in chipsets.
Minerals designated as conflict minerals under the Dodd Frank Act originate from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the neighbouring states. There they are partly dismantled illegally and also serve to finance local conflicts, especially for many local rebel groups. This problem has been improved since 2014. In parallel, certified supply chains have also been established in these conflict areas, particularly with EU support. A lot of progress has been made for 3T metals in the past years. But effectively this is only possible to a very limited extent for gold, especially because 1kg of gold can and is simply extracted in comparison in an already pure way, and smuggled, and represents a comparatively high value of about 40,000$. For the other 3T metals, the value is lower by a factor of 1000 and the extraction process is much more complex.
The Lindy Group and its member companies affirm their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an integral part of their global business operations . This Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as ‘CoC’) outlines the principles guiding our approach, focusing on areas such as working conditions, environmental sustainability, social responsibility , transparency, fostering trust through cooperation and dialogue . Developed and agreed to by the German Central Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (ZVEI) and its member companies, the content of this CoC reflects the core values of ZVEI, as articulated in its vision and mission statements and strongly aligns with the principles of a social market economy.
1. Basic Understanding of Social Responsibility in Corporate Management
A mutual, basic understanding of social responsibility in corporate management forms the foundation of this CoC. This means Lindy assumes responsibility by considering the consequences of its business decisions and actions on economic, technological, social and environmental levels and brings about an appropriate balance of interests. Lindy is committed to contributing to the well-being and long-term development of a global society at every point it can and in the locations where it is in business. This commitment is rooted in universally recognized ethical values and principles , including integrity, honesty and respect of human dignity.
2. Where the CSR applies
2.1 This COC is in effect for all Lindy Group companies and business units worldwide. 2.2 Lindy commits to promoting and requiring adherence to the content of this CoC at every point it can for its suppliers and in other parts of the value chain.
3. Core Values for Social Responsibility in Corporate Management Lindy will proactively work to ensure that the values mentioned below are put into practice and adhered to, both now and in the future.
3.1 Adherence to Laws
Lindy will abide by the laws in effect and other legal requirements of the countries where it is in business. For countries that have a weak institutional framework, the company will carefully examine what good company practices from their home country should be applied to enable supportive, responsible company management.
3.2 Integrity and Organizational Governance 3.2.1 Lindy gears its activities towards universally held ethical values and principles, especially integrity, honesty, respect of human dignity, openness and non-discrimination based on religion, ideology, gender and ethnicity.
3.2.2 Lindy rejects corruption and bribery as stated in the relevant UN Convention. It uses suitable means to promote transparency, trading with integrity, responsible leadership and company accountability.
3.2.3 Lindy pursues clean and recognized business practices and fair competition. In regard to competition, it focuses on professional behaviour and high standards of quality for work. It fosters partnership and trusting interaction with the supervisory authorities.
3.3 Consumer Interests to the extent consumer interests are affected, Lindy abides by regulations that protect the consumer, as well as appropriate sales, marketing and information practices. Groups that are in special need of protection (e.g. protection of minors) will receive special attention.
3.4 Communication
Lindy will communicate in an open way and is oriented towards dialogue about the requirements of this CoC and about its implementation among employees, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders. Every document and all information will be duly produced. They will not be unfairly changed or destroyed. They will be properly stored. Confidential company information and partner’s business information will be handled sensitively and will be kept in confidence.
3.5 Human Rights
Lindy is committed to promoting human rights. It respects human rights stated in the Charter of the United Nations, especially those named in the following:
3.5.1 Privacy Protection of privacy.
3.5.2 Health and Safety
Ensuring health and work safety, especially the guarantee of a safe and health-promoting work environment, avoiding accidents and injuries.
3.5.3 Harassment
Employee protection against bodily punishment and against physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
3.5.4 Freedom of Conscience
Protection and guarantee of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of expression.
3.6 Working Conditions
Lindy abides by the following core work standards from ILO (International Labour Organisation):
3.6.1 Child Labour
The prohibition of child labour, i.e. the employment of persons younger than 15 years old, as long as the local legal requirements do not specify a higher age limit and as long as no exceptions are permitted.
3.6.2 Forced Labour
The prohibition of forced labour of any kind. Lindy rejects forced labour in any form and implement strict due diligence to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that there is no forced labour in our operations or supply chains, particularly as defined by the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA).
3.6.3 Wage Compensation
Work standards concerning compensation, especially in regard to the level of compensation as stated in the laws and requirements that are in force.
3.6.4 Employee Rights
Respecting the rights of the employee to freedom of association, freedom of assembly and collective bargaining, as long as this is legally permitted and possible in the respective country.
3.6.5 Prohibition of Discrimination
Treatment of all employees in a non-discriminatory fashion.
3.7 Hours of Work
Lindy abides by work standards concerning the longest permitted time of work.
3.8 Civic Commitment
Lindy contributes to the social and economic development of the countries and regions where it is in business and promotes appropriate, volunteer activities information by its employees.
3.8 Environmental Protection
Lindy acts in accordance with the applicable laws that affect its respective operations and products and is guided by international standards to minimize negative impacts on the environment and continuously improve our environmental and climate protection activities.
3.10 Handling Conflict Minerals
Lindy is committed to ethical sourcing practices in accordance with the standards of the Responsible Minerals Initiative. The company ensures transparency and accountability in the sourcing of minerals, avoids conflict areas and adheres to the principles of sustainability.
3.11 Responsible Sourcing
Lindy is committed to responsible sourcing and compliance with international regulations, including the UFLPA and the standards of the Responsible Minerals Initiative. These efforts are consistent with our adherence to the ZVEI Code of Conduct, which ensures the protection of human rights and ethical practices in the supply chain.
4. Implementation and Application
Lindy will make every appropriate and reasonable effort to implement and to apply the principles and values described in this CoC both now and in the future. The CoC is valid in its current version (published on Lindy reserves the right to amend the CoC and to adapt and interpret it accordingly in the event of changes to laws, customs or other standards.